Marc-Marie Huijbregts demolished for ‘diva behavior’: ‘So arrogant!’

Marc-Marie Huijbregts has been showing signs of diva behavior for quite some time, but according to wrecking ball Victor Vlam it is now really getting out of hand. “This is someone who is quite arrogant.”


It is significant that Marc-Marie Huijbregts has not denied Tina Nijkamp’s shocking story about his star behavior. Normally, the peep comedian is always there to debunk untruths, but the story that he took Tina away from her sister’s deathbed for a trifle remains unanswered.

Diva Marc-Marie

The ruthless media connoisseur Victor Vlam kept a close eye on the comedian after this story. “I have to tell you honestly that he is starting to annoy me a bit with his diva behavior. Marc-Marie Huijbregts has long been someone who has diva traits,” he says in his podcast The Communicados.

He continues: “There are stories that have been circulating for a long time about his diva behavior, but normally that is limited to behind the scenes. But what you saw recently is it manifested before the scenes. That is really remarkable. That is a sign that someone may have started to believe in themselves a little too much and I find it very problematic.”

Stimulated by Eva

Victor points out that Marc-Marie was recently a guest at Eva Jinek, who asked him about his podcast split with Aaf Brandt Corstius. The comedian was not pleased with that and spoke of ‘nasty questions’. Later he even called Eva unexpectedly in his podcast: “Did you think afterwards: I handled that nicely? Or did you think: maybe I shouldn’t have done that?”

Eva clearly does not understand that Marc-Marie is really bothered by this and answers him: “No, I think I handled that very nicely. I think I did that with the right lightness of tone.”

Victor noticed how ‘stimulated’ the comedian reacted to Eva’s ‘logical questions’. “When you see how dirty he looks, it’s clear that he really doesn’t like being asked these questions.”

‘How dare you!’

Marc-Marie is misbehaving here, says Victor. “I found this very, very, very remarkable and very, very, very inappropriate. Eva tries her best to keep it a little light here, but it’s really obvious that he’s just like, how dare you ask me about this? And we must remember, it is just a journalistic program.”

He continues: “Eva Jinek is a journalist, so it makes sense that you can get questions that you might not like to get. (…) But he’s like: I’m appearing on this talk show, you should all thank me for giving you these ratings, so how dare you ask me a critical question? I find that really remarkable behavior.”

Eva for shame

Victor states that Marc-Marie receives about 2,000 euros per Jinek performance. “It just went to his head. Of course he’s embarrassing Eva a bit here, isn’t he? Let’s not beat around the bush either. Because in fact he says to Eva: you are not allowed to ask me questions about this, you are just not a journalist, you should not do that.”

He continues: “So I can imagine that she was also not very happy with these statements from Marc-Marie. And I think it also indicates a bit what the problem is with talk shows, especially those of Eva Jinek: it has become a bit of a clique of people who all see each other a little too often and who all save each other a little too much.

Pretty arrogant

Eva should not give in to this kind of angry ‘TV friends’, advises Victor. To prevent clique formation. “As a viewer you sometimes have the idea with Jinek that you are a bit left out. That it’s a bit of a clique for people you don’t belong to.”

And that’s all on top of that shocking story of Tina, who at the time wanted to be with her sick sister instead of the piqued Marc-Marie. “Despite that, he summoned her to get off her deathbed and come to the studio a long way away.”

He concludes: “Yes, that kind of diva behavior, that is of course not really something that speaks in your favor. The fact that Tina Nijkamp also tells things like that indicates that he is someone who is quite arrogant. That annoys me, yes.”


The latest episode of the controversial podcast De Communicado’s:
