Marc-Marie didn’t have to do a screen test for Holland’s Got Talent

Marc-Marie Huijbregts did not have to do a screen test to become a jury member in Holland’s Got Talent, but his colleague Edson da Graça did. “Marc-Marie is of course also an A-star.”


Chantal Janzen is the only jury member who remains in Holland’s Got Talent. Former jury members Ali B, Angela Groothuizen and Paul de Leeuw will be replaced by Dan Karaty, Marc-Marie Huijbregts and Edson da Graça. That is especially nice for Dan, because then he has something else to do than peddle around with his overcome alcohol addiction.

Edson who?

The choice for Marc-Marie seems fine. He understands variety shows and is also a high-profile TV personality. “They called me and they said, ‘It’s with Edson, Chantal and Dan’, and then I thought: it’s great fun doing that! I immediately said yes to that,” he says in RTL Boulevard.

NPO face Edson da Graça, also known as ‘Edson who?’, is a less obvious choice. It makes it even more remarkable that Hans Klok, the king of variety shows, has been passed by Peter van der Vorst. After all, Hans has also done a screen test. “I honestly expected that I would be,” he said.

Hans sporty

Although Hans was very disappointed, he was sporty enough to lend himself to the announcement of the new jury members. He recorded a playful video that was broadcast yesterday in RTL Boulevard, but for incomprehensible reasons was not distributed via social media.

Just after Hans pronounces Edson’s name in this video, he says: “I understand that again”, referring to the fact that he didn’t become it. Nice idea, but of course nobody understands that. Anyway, sporty from Hans and smart from RTL.

No screen test

Edson tells Boulevard that, unlike Marc-Marie, he had to do a screen test for the jury membership of Holland’s Got Talent. “Marc-Marie is of course an A-star, so he didn’t have to do a jury test. I did do a jury test.”

That went well, says Edson. “I was super refreshing, completely witty, came out nicely and I certainly paid off some people. Here I am!”


RTL chose the house section RTL Boulevard for the announcement of the HGT jury members, where Rob Goossens was allowed to applaud the case afterwards. “Marc-Marie is a busy person, of course, so that will bring something.”

Marieke Elsinga: “He also has an opinion about everything, because he also has a well-run podcast in which he always gives his opinion. He’s got it anyway.”

Rob: “Exactly, he should show that. Paul de Leeuw has left and with that you get a lot of energy from the show. There are very few people who could fill that gap, so it makes sense that they ended up with Marc-Marie.”
