Marathon of the Dolomites with Nibali and more than 7,000 cyclists

Earthly perfection does not exist, it is known. But the day in Corvara, which hosted the thirty-sixth edition of the Marathon of the Dolomites, came very close to the concept. Even if the 2023 theme was something much more within the reach of all of us, humanity. “In this inhuman world – said the patron of the Marathon Michil Costa just before the start – opening your eyes and detaching them from the displays of the stunning devices is essential to remain human”. And Nature has confirmed its feeling with the most desired granfondo in the world: after two days of almost uninterrupted rain, the sun lit up the start at 6.30, giving the perfect day for cycling, not too hot but not too cold either.

the race

Vincenzo Nibali ideally led the patrol of 7918 starters, who challenged each other in the usual three routes of 55, 106 and 138 km. Lo Squalo competed in the medium course, together with Paolo Bettini and Davide Cassani. The very spectacular race was won by the French Loic Ruffaut ahead of Tommaso Electric and the Austrian Patrick Hagenaars, who runs with a prosthetic left arm. Among the women Samantha Arnaudo succeeded, clearly detaching the Dutch Martha Maltha, winner of the last two editions. The medium course was awarded to Mattia Gaffuri and Olga Cappiello.
