Mara Vecchioni: achieving financial freedom is possible

“I started in this profession when I decided to be the protagonist of my own story, and not the spectator, as it had been for the last 12 years. The principles were not what I expected, but the resilience that was already installed in me made me gradually forge a name in the industry”, recalls the Auctioneer and Public Broker and insurance advisor producer Mara Vecchioni, Sales Manager at Sequiro Finance and Team Leader at Zurich International Life.

Married and mother of two children, one of her most fervent wishes when she began her profession was “that my children would feel proud of the mother they had,” says Mara as she caresses her rescued dog from a shelter and who is like a daughter, confess.

– As a personal financial advisor, what is your role with ordinary people, who do not have a company, who are self-employed or employed?

I help people to learn and be able to intelligently plan and project their finances to achieve those objectives that have been previously set. Some will be in the short term and others will be working to achieve it in the medium and long term.

– What do you think sets you apart from other financial advisors?

I am convinced that what makes me stand out from other advisors is the satisfaction and reference that I constantly receive from each of my clients.

– And personally, what are the medium and long-term goals?

I am a woman who loves to improve herself day by day, and that is why every year I set myself new challenging goals. For this reason, I find myself leaving my comfort zone constantly. The primary objective is to ensure that all the people who contact me achieve the long-awaited financial freedom.

Mail: [email protected] (email)

IG: @finanzasmaravecchioni

FB: Mara Vecchioni – Sales Manager at Sequiro

Twitter: @MaraVecch


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