Map of face and body pimples: where they appear and why

DTell me what pimples you have and I’ll tell you your problem: imperfections never appear at random, so much so that a sort of map could be drawn. To each area of ​​the face and body, as Chinese medicine wants, there corresponds an area and a meaning. Observe them, therefore, it would allow us to understand what the problem is manifested by imperfection on the face.

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Map of pimples: does it really have a meaning?

The area in which a pimple appears is never random, On the contrary. Each imperfection represents one sort of wake-up call trigger, from the abuse of alcohol or sugars, for example, or the use of cosmetic products that are not suitable for one’s skin. This is particularly true in the case of frequent, recognizable imperfections because they always appear and reappear in the same place.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, each area of ​​the face is a “mirror” of an internal organ therefore, the appearance of pimples in a certain area indicates disorder or inflammation.

The pimples on the forehead

In Chinese medicine, the forehead is connected to the digestive system, so the pimples that appear here tend to indicate an eating disorder. In particular, probable abuse of dairy products or sweets with palm oil inside. In addition to nutrition, other culprits may be your hair, particularly if you have bangs, which decreases skin transpiration in the area.

«In general, the forehead it is very often the site of microcysts or open comedones, that is, blackheads, which are the form of imperfections that are more difficult to treat and we treat ourselves with keratolytic topicals or with isotretinoin for systemic use in more serious cases” explains the Dr. Gianni Chairelli, dermatologist.

Blemishes on the nose and cheeks

What if blemishes appear on the nose and cheeks? The nose, normally oilier than the face, is linked to the heart and lungs and can usually be subject to imperfections in the case of a diet that strains the system, such as a high protein diet, or an excess of spices, red meat or too much salt.

The imperfections on cheeks, on the other hand, have a different meaning depending on the specific area: the left side is connected to the liver. If you suffer from frequent blemishes, we recommend focusing on cold and purifying foods such as watermelon, melon and cucumber.

There right cheek instead it is linked to lungs and sugar levels: If pimples appear in this area of ​​the “map,” it can indicate two things. First, that you probably need to improve your breathing, to train it with an aerobic sport; on a nutritional level, however, it is better avoid too many carbohydrates, sweets and wine. And it’s It’s also the fault of nutrition when imperfections appear around the mouthlinked to the intestine and liver: it is better to avoid fried foods and focus more on fibre, fruit and vegetables.

Pimples on the jaw area and “period”

There are some areas designated for the so-called “period pimple”: generally, in the map of pimples, they are jaw and chin.

The chin and jaw area are in fact the two areas in which imperfections accumulate the most due to hormonal imbalance, in particular they appear when the level of androgens is higher than that of estrogens.

“THE pimples on the jaw area and chin are often of hormonal origin: very frequent, if they increase before the menstrual cycle, the picture can probably be associated with polycystic ovary syndrome. For this reason it is always better, before any adequate therapy, to have an in-depth ovarian ultrasound. It is also good to check the hormonal values ​​in the blood if you are taking contraceptives” explains the expert.

Different from the “classic” pimples, these pimples appear quite punctually about 5/7 days before your periodduring the premenstrual phase, when the greater production of testosterone causes greater sebaceous secretion.

And on the body?

Not just face. In fact, imperfections can appear all over the body. In particular, on the back in both women and men: «On male skin, the presence of pimples occurs especially on the back and chest, the appearance of which is facilitated by the presence of excess hair. However, it must be highlighted that male skin is more seborrheic than female skin and therefore more prone to the presence of acne with widespread pimples” explains the expert.

In women, pimples on the back and shoulders are also in this case linked to hormonal imbalances.

If they appear instead on the neck there may be presence of too many refined foods in your diet. Pimples on the neckline or décolleté? SAccording to Chinese medicine, the meridian that passes through the chest is that of the stomach, which can be inflamed. What if they appear on the buttocks? They can be signs of digestion difficulties.

