Many vacancies for apprenticeships, but hardly any applicants

Joleen (18) from Lichtenberg is looking for an apprenticeship in the care sector

Joleen (18) from Lichtenberg is looking for an apprenticeship in the care sector Photo: Ralf Gunther

By Stephen Peter

Check-in into a professional future. With a training fair in the Hotel Moa on Stephanstraße on Monday, the employment agency wanted to persuade school leavers to finally apply.

Shortly before the holidays there are still 8700 young people in Berlin without a training place! It’s not due to a lack of apprenticeships: the number of vacancies is almost identical.

Companies set up their stands in the ballroom of the hotel, including them Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey (44, SPD) stopped by. And had to learn that small and large companies are desperately looking for trainees.

Ben (24) and Fabian (20) advertised for future trainees at the DHL stand

Ben (24) and Fabian (20) advertised for future trainees at the DHL stand Photo: Ralf Gunther

For proof: At the organic bakers from “Beumer & Lutum” there were only five people interested in the job of baker and three for training as a saleswoman by midday (according to the employment agency, there were already 1,000 visitors at that time). Not a single one of them submitted their application.

A few job interviews were arranged at the Borsig stand, but the long-established company still has many open apprenticeships. The trainees are offered a lot: even in the first year there are 950 euros per month, a free ABC ticket, and guaranteed employment if you perform well. Why are there still too few interested parties? “Young people want everyone these days influencers be,” said a Borsig employee, slightly desperate.

Joleen (18) was disappointed with the fair: “I would like to help people. That’s why I’m looking for an apprenticeship in the nursing field. I didn’t find anything at the fair that appealed to me.” Jermaine (18): “I’d like to do something handicraft, I’ve had a few offers.”

Giffey optimistic: “The Berlin economy offers more training positions than before the Corona crisis. A strong signal!”


Apprenticeship at Messe Berlin
