Many reports of fallen sheep at animal police in West Brabant

Many pregnant sheep walk around in the pasture with a big belly this time of year. This puts the ewes at greater risk of falling and landing on their backs. ‘A life-threatening situation,’ according to the Animal Protection. Animal Police Zeeland-West-Brabant is currently receiving many reports about wool-bearing ruminants that are no longer able to turn around independently.

A sheep can carry lambs or have a thick coat, which becomes heavier due to rainfall. This can cause the beast to fall over. The animal then needs help quickly.

put on ass
It is not possible to simply roll over the sheep. This can lead to a stomach tilt, as a result of which the animal still dies. Also, the intestines can press on the lungs, causing it to choke.

Animal Police Zeeland-West-Brabant therefore advises to put a ‘spoiled’ sheep on its butt and let it recover for a few seconds. To make the sheep sit, you need to grab the animal by the armpits. Do not pull on the wool, this can cause bruising. As soon as the sheep turns itself on, you can give the animal a small push in the right direction.

Number of turds
Are you unable to help the sheep independently? Then call 144: Rescue an animal. According to the Animal Protection, you can see from the number of turds how long the sheep has been lying on its back. “A sheep just keeps pooping. Peeing, on the other hand, doesn’t work.”

Via the ear numbers of the sheep, the 144 operator can contact the owner of the sheep herd via the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority. In this way, the sheep eventually lands on its four legs again.


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