Many police and a trauma helicopter at PI Vught: prisoner found dead

A dead prisoner has been found at the Penitentiary Institution (PI) in Vught. A spokesman for the prison indicates that it is a suicide.

Several ambulances came to the PI earlier this afternoon. They later left without a patient. An air ambulance also landed and flew back to the airbase moments later. However, there are still a lot of agents present. Some of them wear special vests.

According to Willem-Jan Joachems, crime reporter at Omroep Brabant, the fact that so many police have been turned out has to do with the protocols. “If emergency services have to enter the prison, various doors and locks open. For safety reasons, extra agents are called in as a precaution.”

EBI under magnifying glass
The Extra Secure Institution (EBI) is also located within the walls of the PI Vught. That special prison has been under a magnifying glass for some time, especially since the arrival of mocromafia leader Ridouan Taghi. Willem Holleeder is also imprisoned there.

Talking about thoughts of suicide helps and can be done, for example, via 113 Suicide Prevention: call 0800-0113 or chat via
