Many more dead sheep due to wolf attacks than BIJ12 reports

“The website figures for the past few months are based on the numbers from the valuer’s first feedback, immediately after DNA collection. The number of dead animals is normally also updated on the site, once the valuation report has been reviewed and the file has been completed. It is fair to say that we are somewhat behind in the updated numbers on the site. The first priority is to pay out damages to sheep farmers,” a BIJ12 spokesperson said.

The actual number of dead sheep mentioned by RTV Drenthe corresponds to the internal list of BIJ12, on one sheep, the spokesperson confirms. “Updating the website is still mostly manual work. We will carefully check all reports and update them as soon as possible. At the same time, we are working hard in the background on an automated database to prevent manual backlogs in the future.”

According to BIJ12, the incorrect numbers on the website did not affect the interim report for the period 1 November 2021 to 16 February 2022 that appears today. “The interim report only mentions the number of reports of wolf damage and not the number of dead animals,” according to BIJ12.
