Many more asylum seekers than planned are being received in Eindhoven

Eindhoven will receive more asylum seekers than initially planned. The municipality would accommodate 400 asylum seekers, but because of the large influx of refugees, it now wants to accommodate 900 people. This is stated in a letter to the city council.

This concerns 900 structural reception places. In November, the council decided to take in 400 asylum seekers. But in the council letter, the municipality now writes ‘that the earlier decision no longer does justice to the current national challenge with regard to the reception of asylum seekers.’

Press space
She is now looking for suitable locations in the municipality of Eindhoven. She is already discussing this with the COA (Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers), with property owners and housing corporations. “Given the great shortage of homes and the pressure on space in Eindhoven, it will not be easy to find enough suitable locations in the short term.”

The city council says that it is looking at a good spread across the city, whether there are facilities and public transport in the area and the carrying capacity in the area.

Beginners and students
The locations must also be arranged in such a way that they are also suitable for housing residents of Eindhoven. For example, the municipality wants to be able to use the places where asylum seekers are first received for starters or students if the number of asylum seekers falls.

Eindhoven currently has two places where a total of 141 people are accommodated. There is an emergency shelter on the Kanaaldijk-Zuid, where 96 people stay until a structural place is found for them.

45 people live in the Novotel in Eindhoven, also as emergency shelter. 1000 Ukrainians are also taken care of in various places.

Rural shelter
From January, 77,000 reception places must be arranged in the Netherlands, according to the cabinet. She wants to oblige municipalities to meet the demand with a distribution law. This law is still being drafted, but Eindhoven would meet that demand with these 900 places.

READ ALSO: Eindhoven will receive 400 asylum seekers: ‘Moral duty’
