Many calls at Dierenambulance because of ‘flying lessons’ young birds

The animal ambulance is very busy during this period with reports about young birds sitting on the ground and people think they need help.

According to animal protection spokesperson Saskia Thijssen, in most cases there is nothing wrong. “Birds are now taking flying lessons and that looks pretty sad. Then there is such a small pile of bird wasting on the ground, it seems.”

But according to Thijssen, that is very normal behavior for this time of year. “You can compare it a bit with a toddler, who cannot immediately walk a few meters ahead in a stable manner. You also learn to fly by trial and error, and it is quite possible that such a bird is resting on the ground. “

She advises to leave the bird alone. “Take a look at it. There is a very good chance that the parents are close by and keep an eye on the animal. Let nature take its course. If it is still there after a few hours, you can contact the animal ambulance , but give the animal the chance to learn to fly.”

In addition to young birds, the animal ambulance also receives many reports in the spring about nests with young cats. These are often from cats that live on the street. And there are quite a lot, says Thijssen.

“In the spring, many of these cats get kittens. If people find such a litter with cats outside somewhere, they can contact the animal ambulance. They will then see what is going on.”
