Many actions of climate activists are pathetic

By Inga Grömminger

Of course it is clear what the climate activists are about with their actions. I am aware of the goal, and this is worth striving for and makes sense. But the way there, as the last generation would like to take it, for example, is nonsensical.

I don’t think roadblocks, getting stuck, mashed potatoes on artwork, daubing luxury storefronts are in any form effective.

Yes, the activists get attention, and of course you need it if you want to make a difference in (climate) politics. However, I still think it’s pathetic when you don’t know how to do anything else to get attention than to destroy. Or massive disruption.

Demonstrating is different. speak anyway. It took a long time for activists to ask responsible politicians for an interview. And as a politician, I wouldn’t necessarily show myself more willing to talk after such actions, because creating a future together always involves respect.

I see no respect in the actions of the last generation. Well, on May 2nd, after a request from the last generation on Twitter, Transport Minister Wissing will meet with the activists. But that wasn’t it until then.

Berlin is to be paralyzed again on Monday with 800 activists. I find it lame.
