Manuel Venderbos and Patty Brard on photo: middle finger to Airen?

Manuel Venderbos seems to be making a statement by posting a photo with Patty Brard, his only colleague at Shownieuws who has publicly lashed out at their ‘enemy’ Airen Mylene.

© Instagram, SBS

Airen Mylene has not made herself popular with her colleagues by spreading a dirty gossip about a Shownieuws party. She states that two colleagues were caught in the closet during an intimate get-together there and suggests that a presenter was also involved. Since she wasn’t there herself, it’s a matter of crossing it off.

Lie or confess

Colleague Dyantha Brooks immediately issued a statement that she was not in that closet – she was not there – and that leaves two options: Tooske Ragas and Manuel Venderbos. They both have reputations in this area, but Manuel is the most suspicious: he has also been caught cheating in his car once.

Both Tooske and Manuel have not yet responded and that can mean two things: either they do not want to pay any further attention to this gossip or they have made an appointment with each other. If one of the two was in that closet, he or she will be in trouble if the other denies. After all, you can only lie or confess.

Mad at Airen

So the whole riot is hushed up, while it’s all pretty juicy and it seems to be true: after all, the story comes from Shownieuws itself and Dyantha has already explicitly denied it. According to the juice channel Juice Channel, Airen has now gone through the dust with her colleagues in a long apology email.

However, this does not seem to affect everyone. Patty Brard mercilessly lashed out at Airen when she also came up with her ordinary bra anecdote after this closet story. “What a stupid attention-grabbing brawl!” she responded under Airens post on Instagram. And this comment, clearly not a joke, is still there.

Photo with Manuel

Patty is the only one to publicly speak out against Airen and Manuel seems to feel supported in that. Today, for the first time, he posts a selfie with only Patty on his Instagram. “Pinky Pinky with my inimitable, but oh so sweet ‘TV mom’ Patty Brard! #latenight #talking”, it says.

Late night talking? About their mean colleague Airen? It just might. One thing is clear: it is rumbling behind the scenes of Shownieuws. Airen never broadcasts with Manuel or Tooske anyway – they hold the same position – but until recently did with Patty. However, they have not been spotted together in the studio lately.

With Patty?

Airen and Manuel spoke this week via a rather measured live connection on TV. The really big question is: has Patty demanded that she no longer have to make airs with Airen? That is not very unusual at Shownieuws; for example, Evert Santegoeds has stipulated that he never has to sit at the same desk as Guido den Aantractor.

If the two can be seen together again on the tube soon, it can get exciting. Patty is generally known to make it very clear when she doesn’t like someone, even though she is on live television at the time. So that can get pretty tricky. Just ask Jan Versteegh…


Manuel in the picture with Patty. The photo is not liked by Airen. In fact, she doesn’t even follow Manuel anymore.
