Mañueco rules out Vox’s shrillness at the start of the Government before the imminent Andalusians

04/23/2022 at 08:39


The new government of Castile and Leon represents a turning point since vox reached the institutions. Together with the vice presidency and the three ministries of Agriculture, Culture and Industry and Employment, Santiago Abascal’s party holds for the first time the presidency of an autonomous Parliament. All eyes are on the start of this coalitionin how Vox deals with public management and if it is the first pact of many between the two right-wing parties, as some leaders of both formations maintain.

Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, who took office after two months of the elections and a complicated negotiation (also internally due to doubts about giving entry to the extreme right), trusts that Abascal will control his advisers and will avoid any controversy so as not to be harmed in the Andalusian elections. The very conversations for the formation of the Government were totally directed by the national leadership and advisers of the total confidence of the leader.

Although the Chairman of the Board, Juanma Moreno Bonilla, has not yet communicated the specific date, the appointment with the polls will be in June. Concern about the strength of Vox continues to grow for both the PP and the PSOE. The popular ones have a large majority and the aspiration is, precisely, not having to include Vox in the regional executive. But the ultra take it for granted that they will get an important representation and consider that the PP does not measure its strength well in many provinces.

With the evidence that Vox would enter the Castilian-Leon government, one of the hopes PP Andalusian went through that in a short time there were controversies in the management to convince doubtful voters between the two parties to trust their ballot again. Some leaders predict “blunders & rdquor; and “shrillness & rdquor; that could reverse in an improvement for the PP in the polls.

But that message collides with the idea that they have in the Mañueco environment, convinced that Vox has no interest in controversial missteps or mistakes that tarnish their chances in the next election.

In any case, as El Periódico de España published, the president of the Castilian-Leonese Board addressed the rest of the ‘heavyweights’ of its formation in the executive committee last Wednesday, led by feijoo in Genoa, to make it clear that the signed government agreement guarantees the principles of popular ideology and that it will not allow any setback in territorial cohesion, the defense of the European project and social rights. Modifying the legislation on gender violence (which Vox wants to ‘cover’ with the concept of domestic violence) and democratic memory are two issues that the ultra party has as priorities and that have caused more than one headache for the PP in that community.

Mañueco insisted that his government is “the most serious and stable & rdquor; that he could form, stating that he was more confident in stability now than in recent times with Ciudadanos. The vice president, Juan García Gallardo, has transmitted good feelings to the popular despite his youth and inexperience. In reality, he will not have an executive portfolio associated with the position, but will instead have the presidency of the Delegate Commission of the Government and of the Administrative Simplification Commission (including environmental procedures), in addition to the substitute representation in the Committee of the Regions, the Commissioner of the Victims of Terrorism and the institutional representation of the relations of the organs of the administration of the community with the Consultative Council of Castilla y León and the Common Prosecutor.

Gerardo Dueñas, Gonzalo Santonja and Mariano Veganzones for the ministries of Agriculture, Culture and Industry and Employment respectively. The ultra party did not designate any women in its team. In any case, Mañueco’s environment makes it clear that the responsibility of the Vox councils falls solely on that party and although they hope to have at least that quiet start, they insist that time “will put everyone in their place & rdquor ;. “We cannot bear the responsibility of the coalition either. The PP takes care of its advisers & rdquor ;, settle.

The message that is beginning to sink in within the Castilian-Leon PP, as this newspaper published, is that the party needs to start “normalize” his political relationship with Vox. First, because they are officially government partners. And, second, because many other territories consider that they should replicate that pact. Isabel Díaz Ayuso is the leader who speaks most clearly about the normalization process. Already in Valladolid, at the inauguration of Mañueco, she said that it was “a great pact between PP and Vox & rdquor ;. In Castilla y León they also consider that the party should accept the current political situation with “more naturalness & rdquor ;.
