Manisa FK – Caykur Rizespor: 2-2 | MATCH RESULT SUMMARY – Last minute TFF 1st League news

In the 10th week of Spor Toto 1st League, Manisa Football Club drew 2-2 with Çaykur Rizespor on the field.

Minutes from the match
Diallo, who met the ball on the right wing with Nizamettin’s air pass near the midfield in the 11th minute, shot from the right last line inside the penalty area, and goalkeeper Tarık went into the corner with a round leather ball at the bottom of the pole.
In the 29th minute, in Manisa FK’s attack, the left wing met with the round leather nets in the head shot of Adem, who rose well in the ball, centered by Çağrı, from the last line. 1-0
In the 36th minute, Diallo centered the ball from the right wing in the penalty area and sent the leather ball to their own nets with Kerem’s reverse header. 2-0
In the 54th minute, in the attack of Çaykur Rizespor, with Yala’s hard shot from the right diagonal outside the penalty area, the goalkeeper Ömer went into the corner at the last minute.
In the 66th minute, Emircan, who caught the ball with Ayberk’s faulty pass on the left wing, faced the goalkeeper in the penalty area with the ball from the ground, and Yala’s smooth shot went to the leather round nets. 2-1
In the 72nd minute, Kubilay met the ball in the penalty area with Emircan’s pass from the ground on the right wing, and the goalkeeper Ömer gave the ball to the corner at the last moment.
In the 88th minute, Emircan caught the ball that Stark could not clear in the defense of Manisa FK, and in the right diagonal shot of Emircan, the round leather ball met the nets from the bottom of the far post. 2-2

Stadium: Mümin Özkasap
Referees: Ozan Ergun xx, Mehmet Ali Akkor xx, Ali Can Alp xx
Manisa FK: Ömer x, Muhammet Taha x, Ayberk x, Domgjoni xx, Çağrı xx, Burak Altınparmak xx, Nizamettin xx (Kadir Kaan min. 63 xx), Stark xx, Batuhan x (Gakpa min. 80 x), Diallo xxx, Adam xxx (Mehmet min. 56 xx)
Substitutes: Birkan, Selim, Ba, Grezda, Mert, Fırat
Technical Director: Levent Eris
Çaykur Rizespor: Tarık x, Kerem x (Pope min. 46 xx), Bahadır xx, Emirhan xx, Alberk xx, Koray xx (Grahovac min. 79 xx), Benhur x (Yala min. 46 xxx), Mithat xx, Alper x (Sea min. 63 x), Sefa x (Emircan min. 63 xx), Kubilay xx
Substitutes: Emre, Zafer, Seyfettin Anil, Ercan, Berkay
Coach: Bulent Korkmaz
Goals: Adem (min. 30), Kerem (min. 37) (Manisa FK), Yala (min. 66), Emircan (min. 88) (Çaykur Rizespor)
Yellow cards: Nizamettin, Burak, Ömer (Manisa FK), Koray, Mithat, Sefa, Grahovac (Çaykur Rizespor)
