Mandatory leash in Amsterdamse Bos postponed: dog owners still dissatisfied

The municipality of Amsterdam has postponed the extensive leash obligation for dogs in the Amsterdamse Bos. Instead of May 1, dog owners will have to leash their four-legged friends more often from mid-June 2022. The reason for the tightening of the leash obligation is the protection of flora and fauna and less nuisance for runners. However, many dog ​​owners were unaware of the upcoming new rule and are dissatisfied. ‘I’d like to leash my dog, but I don’t think closing an entire area is right.’

The municipality of Amsterdam – which manages the forest in Amstelveen – has a research started on the effect of dogs on the natural value of the forest. The municipality also conducted several surveys among visitors. As a result of the results, the municipality felt compelled to adjust the dog policy. According to the extensive leash obligation, dogs will, among other things: in part of the entrance area of the Amsterdamse Bos are obliged to walk on a leash.


Earlier, the municipality decided to limit the extension of the leash obligation to smaller parts of the forest because of resistance from professional dog walking services, among others. Due to this restriction, the forest still contains off-leash areas. Still, dog owners aren’t happy with the new rule, nor with the more limited expansion. “I think it’s really silly. This is one of the few places in Amsterdam where your dog can still run free.”


The introduction of the leash requirement has been delayed due to problems with the signage. According to the municipality, a campaign will be launched in June to inform visitors to the Amsterdamse Bos.
