Manchester United goalkeeper Ondrej Mastny on trial with Telstar

The 21-year-old keeper Ondrej Mastny is on trial at Telstar this week. Mastny is under contract with Manchester United for one more year, but there seems to be no future for him there.

“I just want to play regularly and enjoy football,” says Mastny after his first training in Velsen-Zuid. Last year, the Czech keeper was rented out to Portadown from Northern Ireland.

He has been under contract with the English superpower since 2018. He then came over from the Czech Vysočina Jihlava. He has since played in a number of Manchester United youth teams.

Mastny is on trial at Telstar looking for playing minutes. Mastny has to work hard for those playing minutes, because he has to convince trainer Mike Snoei and goalkeeper coach Colin van der Meijden. “I have no knowledge of keepers. Colin will assess that and then we will see if we can give this young, 21-year-old keeper a platform”, says Mike Snoei.

Telstar will play its first exhibition game of the season this Saturday. Then there is a triptych against the amateurs of VV IJmuiden and Stormvogels on the program.
