Manchester City won the Champions League of Atlético

Manchester City won the first semi-finals of the Atlético Champions League semi-finals.

Kevin De Bruyne ventilated City’s winning goal. AOP

Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola has been criticized for overfilling in his team’s tactics.

– I always want to create new tactics and again you will see something new against Atlético. I love it. It would be boring if I always played the same way, Guardiola reasoned on the eve of the Champions League semi-final.

City’s tactical buzz already started with the team’s Twitter account, which featured the opening line-up against Atlético. According to Kevin De Bruyne would start the match on the spot.

However, the situation did not correspond to reality, as the task was given right at the beginning of the match Ilkay Gündoganille.

The German took on the role for five minutes, after which Bernardo Silva moved to the same place. At some point, it seemed that two valeys players were found in City’s tactics.

Guardiola’s tactics worked because it kept the ball practically all the time. But at the same time, Mr Atlético Diego Simeone could be even happier with the events.

Manchester City did not manage to connect with it, as his team mates had hoped, and the ball went out Jan Oblak got even surface sweat on top of the fights not to mention.

KDB solved

It was 70 minutes into the match, the visitors’ central line of defense had to look on as City dashed through, knocking home 70 – 0 for City.

However, the start of the second period showed that Atlético also wants to win. The team’s counterattacks brought a new level to the semi-finals, although there was no real danger from them.

At an hour, Simeone shuffled the pack even further. The triple exchange brought fresh legs into the defense.

Guardiola’s response came in just a few minutes. The Catalan had left Phil Fodenin as he was substituted 69 minutes into the game, he could take comfort in the fact that his team was in the lead Jack Grealishin and Gabriel Jesusin with.

80 seconds later, Foden tied up the entire Atlético defense and freed De Bruyne to score. The only native of Manchester City found the ball to go through the opening Reinildon from the jargon and served the Belgian as a place to act like a tray.

The story continues after the picture.

Diego Simeone (left) and Pep Guardiola will continue the fight in a week. AOP

Guardiola celebrated the goal wildly, but Simeon still didn’t tear up his pants. The losing position of the goal with these power ratios is by no means a bad starting point for the solution part to be played in a week’s time on the native Metropolitano.

– It was a really tough match. They played with almost 5-5-0 tactics, and it’s really hard to find spaces. I encourage everyone to try it out on the training ground first before criticizing our performance, De Bruyne said in a television interview.

– Considering the circumstances, we played reasonably well.

Pool to victory

Meanwhile, in Lisbon, Liverpool showed how to turn game management into power. Pool practically secured their place in the semi-finals with a 3-1 win.

Ibrahima Konaté pushed the corner kick into the net at a fair quarter, and Sadio Mané finished Luis Díazin for initialization break numbers of 2 to 0.

Benfica was completely under the roller, but a Uruguayan star Darwin Núñez maintained Kotki’s wishes with a narrowing paint. However, Díaz returned two goals at the very end of the match.

The solution section on Anfield Road, which will be played next Wednesday, is no longer a mere formality.

Liverpool already had a decisive advantage. AOP
