Man with muco is a circus acrobat: moving performance

Man with muco is a circus acrobat: moving performance

Jesse Huygh is an acrobat who has cystic fibrosis himself. He showed how, despite an incurable lung disease, you can still be capable of exceptional things. He will soon be touring the country with his breathtaking performance. He mainly visits healthcare institutions.

Muco is also called cystic fibrosis and literally means that you toil for a lifetime with breathing. This is also what the very physical performance is about. “Especially about what my struggle is. Not with the intention of complaining about how hard I am having it. Not at all. Especially to encourage and accompany people in pushing the boundaries and keep going for it. How do you handle ask with help? Admit your weaknesses and find strength in them again.”

Jesse Huygh plays together with the Argentinian Rocio Garotte. Today was the preview. The medical staff here were also impressed by this artist with an oxygen device. Thijs Verbrugghen, Zeepreventorium De Haan: “An experience to take with you for the rest of their lives. That you can do this despite the obstacles and despite what you encounter. Jesse also effectively wears such a backpack with oxygen, many patients here have also that backpack. It can also teach that you can achieve things despite everything, you can achieve very beautiful things despite the obstacles.”
