Man with hammer attacks Green Party MPs

Jian Omar (Büdnis90/Greens) in the Berlin House of Representatives

Jian Omar (Büdnis90/Greens) in the Berlin House of Representatives Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Wolfgang Kumm

From the BZ editorial team

The Green MP Jian Omar (38) was attacked on Friday evening in his constituency office on Elberfelder Straße (Moabit).

A man with a hammer attacked him with the words “You sh… foreigner,” said the politician on X (formerly Twitter). A passer-by heard insults and threats, supported him and confirmed his statement to the police.

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The parliamentary group leaders of the Berlin Greens Bettina Jarasch and Werner Graf explained the attack:

“We condemn the racist attack on our colleague and friend Jian Omar. Our entire group is behind you, dear Jian. We would like to thank the passer-by who intervened immediately. Luckily everyone remained physically unharmed. The attack with Hammer shows that we live in a climate of hatred that we must all confront.”


House of Representatives Attacks Berlin Police Greens Berlin
