Man who pushed ex in front of metro ‘don’t remember exactly’ | Inland

Although, according to the Public Prosecution Service, camera images show that Javid A. took a “run up” and gave his former lover a push, A. says he “never wanted this.” His lawyer said on Tuesday after a preliminary session in court that her client was shocked to see the recordings, on which he recognized himself.

Initially, A. claimed at the police station that he wanted to “take his ex in his arms”, but that she screamed and he was shocked. He later retracted that first statement. “Of course he was in shock at the time. He doesn’t remember exactly what happened. His brain is blocked at that moment,” the lawyer explained.

That A. “was laughing when the woman was on the track”, according to the lawyer is also not certain. “There is only one witness who said that and what is laughter? That could also be a reaction from nerves.”

The suspect came to the Netherlands from France on October 25 to see his child. Although A. was previously convicted in France for assaulting the same woman and their relationship was problematic, according to the lawyer, she gave permission to come by. That day would have gone without a hitch. When the woman with the child walked to the metro station to go downtown, A. would have followed them. The incident then took place at Coolhaven.

The woman suffered bruises, but because of the oncoming metro, the Public Prosecution Service suspects the suspect of attempted manslaughter and aggravated assault. The victim was rescued by witnesses, the prosecutor said. Among them, a man with a broken leg, who threw away his crutches and jumped onto the track.

The substantive criminal trial will be held on April 14. The Public Prosecution Service has had experts investigate Javid A., who is an undesirable alien in both the Netherlands and France. “His violent behavior towards his ex raises so many questions that attempts have been made to find out more about him,” the prosecutor said.


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