Man who cut up Belgian plumber’s body tries to escape with saw and sheets | Abroad

The Dutchman who gruesomely killed our compatriot Johan van der Heyden (56) in 2019 has made a remarkable escape attempt. Nicky S. first sawed through the bars of his cell in Alphen and then tied several sheets together. However, he did not get outside the walls of the institution.

S. was sentenced to 17 years in prison for torturing and killing Van der Heyden. He had also cut his body into pieces with a chainsaw. And all because a sinister plan had gone horribly out of hand…

It was like this: Van der Heyden had an extramarital affair with Wanda van R. and had once told her that he had a lot of dirty money. When she got into a relationship with Nicky S. the plan arose to steal his money.

Sleeping aids in tea

On 2 June 2019, Wanda therefore invited Van der Heyden to her home in Zoersel. She mixed a significant amount of sedatives into his tea, causing her lover to lose consciousness.

Van der Heyden was then gagged by S. with duct tape and tie wraps. The suspects wanted to look for the money that he allegedly hid in his home the next morning. Wanda knew what time Van der Heyden’s wife left for work in the morning and waited for the right moment. Then they would lock him up in his work bus. The intention was that Van der Heyden would be so drugged that he would not remember anything about the whole affair.

Van with blood spatter

But of course things didn’t work out that way. Nicky and Wanda found no money back and understood that van der Heyden had only boasted about his alleged ‘fortune’. Apparently he was very much in love with Wanda, trusted her and wanted to impress her. S., however, became furious when he learned that the whole undertaking had been for nothing.

Once back at Wanda’s bungalow, Van der Heyden was dragged in his own van and severely beaten. For example, S. wanted to persuade his victim to say where they could find his money. During that torture he also used van der Heyden’s tools. The van was covered in blood spatter. In the end, the plumber died and his body was sawed to pieces.


According to the court, S. is a man with a personality disorder, who finds it difficult to control his aggression and emotions. So it’s no wonder that he has even more threats and violent incidents on his plate.

Investigations are now underway as to how S. managed to smuggle a saw inside the prison walls and dispose of so many sheets. The prisoner himself is transferred.
