Man throws paint bomb at Gazprom office: ‘Maybe Putin is scratching his head’

The office of the Russian natural gas company Gazprom in Amsterdam South was pelted with a paint bomb this afternoon. This is a protest against Russia, which this week started a war with neighboring Ukraine.

The thrower of the paint bomb contacted the editors of AT5 by telephone. “It is purely criminal, Gazprom is completely intertwined with that Russia and we have to get rid of that,” he says. When he looked through the window before throwing the paint bomb, he saw no one inside. “But I did see a counter with the Gazprom logo.”

It is a water-soluble paint. “Nothing will happen to it and there will be no damage. But if everyone does it, it might get to the Kremlin. And maybe Putin will scratch his head.” He rules out more actions by himself for the time being. “I still have two bags left, but I like it now. But if others think the same, that would be fantastic.”


Due to the Russian invasion, Amsterdam several protests have already taken place† Sunday afternoon there will be another place on the Dam. The PvdA and GroenLinks have today put written questions to the Amsterdam city council, pointing out that the economic relationship with Russia is still ‘close’ and want to know how this can be changed.
