Man the munitie gooide naar Buckingham Palace geïnterneerd | Buitenland

KIJK. Suspicions about the incident at Buckingham Palace

The 59-year-old man, who also had mes bij, gets medical zorg in a ziekenhuis. If there is a possibility that there may be a number of others in a word that is large enough to cover a wide range of mental health, the policy shall be in a reasonable manner.

The man had ‘voorwerpen’ gegooid op het terrein van Buckingham Palace. Daarbij zou het om gun cartridges gaan. Not long after the arrest will be controlled by the explosion. De man zou een suspected tas bij zich hebben gehad, the voorzichtigheidshalve dead ontploffing is brought.

The policy was reported on Tuesday when there was no terrorist act, but there was a risk that a person might be psychologically affected. King Charles and Queen Camilla were not present at Buckingham Palace at the moment of the incident.

The political situation in London was momentary to shear for the naked crown of Charles III. Later the new Britse koning and zijn vrouw Camilla were brought to a house from Buckingham Palace near Westminster Abbey, while Charles had been crowned. He was watched along the course. The politie zal masssaal aanwezig zijn om de veiligheid te verzekeren.
