Man steekt twee treinreizigers neer omdat baby huilt | Buitenland

A couple of seeds with a baby from their mothers and a friend on the train to the steep incident plaatsvond. The aanvaller icetijdens de treinrit herhaaldelijk that the baby should stop with oil. The children played around 7.50 p.m. after the couple was even ready for a flight in the station of Mulhouse. The things of the baby had the little ones that were born on the train.

At that moment, a lot of the dadder de vriend of the real couple aan in the bijzijn of the baby. Hij verwondde the man at the neck and head before the mother of the baby weer on the train stapte. Both of them came to the test and they came with me after they were, so that each one of them was able to reach the hair in his hand. Toen de vader van de baby arriveerde, stapte de aanvaller uit de train and left the station. The slachtoffers must have been pike in the ziekenhuis. The baby bleef ongedeerd tijdens de aanval.

Thank you for reporting the policy on the day later, around 8:30 p.m., on the square. Hij will be in Hechtenis genomen nadat het me was found in a tas with documents.

The man in the country was living illegally in France and had received a fine, according to the report ‘BFMTV’. He is from a Palestine of 54 years. Hij wordt Thursday voorgeleid and zal vrijdag voor de Rechtsbank verijnen.
