Man stabbed in the stomach with a knife in front of the bar – emergency surgery!

A police vehicle (symbol photo)

A police vehicle (symbol photo) Photo: picture alliance / photo booth

By Xavier Malkus

On Friday afternoon, a man was stabbed in the stomach with a knife in front of a bar in Marzahn.

According to the police, at around 5:50 p.m., a 21-year-old and another guest in the bar on the Marzahner Promenade argued. The 21-year-old is said to have been punched in the face by the unknown guest.

After the 21-year-old left the bar with a nose injury, his 39-year-old uncle is said to have confronted the opponent. According to the police, there was a scuffle, during which the 39-year-old was stabbed in the stomach with a knife!

The unknown perpetrator is said to have fled in the direction of the Eastgate shopping center. The injured 39-year-old was taken to a hospital by emergency services, where he was immediately operated on.

The investigations are ongoing.


Berlin police Marzahn knife knife attack knife attack
