Man hangs from moving car and gets hit, video leads to investigation

A video on Dumpert shows how a man is caught between a car window and is dragged along. The Roosendaal police are aware of the video and are investigating. During the video, the man is punched in the face by someone sitting in the car.

The man hangs with his arms in the car, he is stuck between the window and the roof on the side of the passenger. It is not clear to see how fast the car is driving, but it is clear that this is not walking pace. The co-driver is encouraged by other people in the car to hit the man. The people in the car also laugh out loud.

After half a minute, the man is punched in the face with fists. After fifty seconds, the co-driver releases him and the man falls. The video will then stop. A text in the video reads ‘Roosendaal, Netherlands’. The police in Roosendaal are aware of the video, they are investigating.

Below you can see the images, they can be experienced as shocking:
