Man from Veghel has had a photo of a complete stranger family on his debit card for 13 years | Inland

At ING you can personalize a bank card with your own design. A photo of your cat, children or something else fun. That seemed like something to Wouter; he designed his pass so that it resembled an Albert Heijn bonus card, he tells the local broadcaster. “Every time you want to pay, they say you can’t do it with your bonus card. Well, it is possible”, says Wouter. But instead of its funny design, something completely different appeared in the letterbox.

Dinner table

There is a family on Wouter’s bank card. They smile at the dining table. However, Wouter has no idea who they are and contacts ING. The bank claims that such a thing is not possible, and offers to send another card. But Wouter thinks it’s funny and decides to keep the pass. Even if he requests a new card several times in the years that follow, the family reappears smiling. Who are these people anyway?

Wouter decides to place a call on Twitter and after the fourth attempt he manages to solve the great mystery. Rob from the South Holland coastal town of Monster reports. He hadn’t the faintest idea all those years and is considering filing a claim against ING, he said on Twitter.
