Man from Apeldoorn arrested after shooting attack helicopter

A man from Apeldoorn is suspected of having shot at an Apache combat helicopter on Thursday morning. That reports the Royal Military Police Thursday. The suspect was arrested at his home at the end of the afternoon. The age of the man has not been disclosed.

According to a spokesman for the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, the pilot of the helicopter reported that he was shot in the air. The pilot was not injured and managed to land the helicopter safely at Gilze-Rijen Air Base. The man is believed to have fired an air rifle near his own home. The Apache is being examined for any damage. The suspect will be questioned on Friday.

The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee has two locations in Apeldoorn; the King Willem III Barracks training center and a Brigade on the Veluwe. It is on the Veluwe practice area a so-called ‘low-flying area’ for the air force, which means that helicopters and military aircraft may fly as low as possible above the ground.
