Man dies after being rescued from the Spree in Moabit!

Man rescued from Spree – danger to life

The man was taken to a hospital and died shortly after admission Photo: Spreepicture

By Dirk Böttger and Ole Kroning

Deadly drama in Moabit! Fire brigade divers rescued a drowning man on Saturday morning on Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee from the Spree. He died in hospital after initially being successfully resuscitated.

At around 6:40 a.m., the fire brigade and police were alerted to Moabit. Several witnesses had seen a man rowing helplessly with his arms in the Spree. A dramatic rescue operation began.

Before the rescuers could rush to his aid, he sank. Divers from the fire department had to search the murky waters. When he was found, the previously identified man had already lost consciousness. On the shore, rescue workers immediately began resuscitation.

Man rescued from Spree – danger to life

After the rescue from the water, the fire brigade immediately initiated resuscitation measures Photo: Spreepicture

The injured man was then taken to a hospital, accompanied by an ambulance. He died there in the morning. According to the police, there is no evidence of third-party debt. An autopsy is now to clarify the exact cause of death. It should also be investigated whether the deceased fell into the Spree as a result of health problems, drugs or alcohol.

Police spokeswoman Patricia Brämer to the BZ: “Why and under what circumstances the man got into the water is the subject of the ongoing investigation.” According to the current status, suicide cannot be ruled out either.


Berlin Fire Department Berlin Police Spree
