Man crashes into house with bus and runs away: ‘He was very tired’

A driver rammed a house in Graspeel, a hamlet in Zeeland, with his work bus on Friday evening. He forgot to take a turn. He then walked away, but an alert local resident, Willem Bongers, managed to retrieve the man by driving his car towards him.

Willem Bongers immediately got into his car when he heard from neighbors that the driver of the van had run away. “I had to drive around for a while because I didn’t see him,” says Willem. “Once I found him, I spoke to him. He was very tired and could hardly speak.”

According to Willem, the driver was on his way to an acquaintance who lived nearby to call the police. “But I wasn’t okay with that. So I told him he had to come back with me and he did so without any difficulty. He was very emotional.”

According to a 112 correspondent, people were inside at the time of the accident. None of them were injured. The house did sustain damage. It is still unclear how extensive the damage is. The driver of the van was taken to hospital.
