Man bites cop, policeman reports drunk beachgoer

A 59-year-old man from Venlo caused quite a stir on the beach of Zandvoort yesterday. After several complaints of nuisance, the police arrested him, after which he spat an officer in the face and then bit his leg.

Police responded to a report of a drunk man harassing other people on the beach around 5:30 p.m. Officers sent him away from the beach, but an hour later they received another report about the same man.

Bite in leg

According to the police, the Venloër did not intend to leave the beach and showed ‘recalcitrant behaviour’. He was then taken off the beach and arrested on Badhuisplein.

The man clearly did not agree with the arrest, because once in the police van he spat in the face of the officer. He pushed his head down so he couldn’t spit again. Instead, he bit the officer hard on the leg.

spit mask

He was handcuffed and given a special ‘spit mask’ to contain him. The man continued to resist for the rest of the drive to the station. He is in custody pending further investigation. The officer in question has reported insult and assault.

De Venloër was on the beach with his 13-year-old son. After the events, he was taken to Venlo by the police.
