Man arrested in connection with Manchester attack in 1996 Abroad

“Last night (Thursday) a man was arrested at Birmingham Airport on suspicion of committing terrorist offences,” police said in a statement. “This arrest came as part of an investigation into an IRA bombing that hit central Manchester in 1996.”

In the attack in question, a shopping center was targeted and more than two hundred were injured. A bomb exploded in front of one of the entrances of the building. More than a thousand m2 of offices and shops were destroyed, resulting in damage of 880 million euros.


The arrested man, about whom the police did not provide any additional information, will now be questioned by agents of the anti-terror cell. Police say they are determined to solve the case and find those responsible, even if time passes.

The Troubles

The attack was part of the Troubles, three bloody decades in Northern Ireland that left more than 3,500 dead, pitting mostly Catholic Nationalist Republicans against mostly Protestant Unionist Loyalists and the British Army. The violence ended in 1998 with the Good Friday Peace Agreement.

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