Man arrested for false bomb threat provincial government in Leeuwarden Inland

On July 13, the police received a phone call that a manure bomb would explode in the provincial house on Tweebaksmarkt. The approximately 150 employees then had to stay indoors and the area around the provincial government was cordoned off.

That same morning, dozens of farmers demonstrated in front of the provincial government against the cabinet’s nitrogen plans. They had to leave the Tweebaksmarkt because of the bomb threat. In the afternoon it became clear that there was no threat and the area was released again.

In that period it was often restless around the Frisian provincial government. “Nowadays, it is here every day with screaming and intimidating people,” said States member Jaap Stalenburg (PvdA) at the time. “There are concrete blocks in front of the door because they are afraid that they will drive into the building with machines. It fits in with a trend that has been going on in Friesland in recent weeks. About fifteen members of parliament, including myself, have been harassed and intimidated by very angry people in recent weeks. I have kept quiet about this for a long time, but it is time that we collectively speak out against this.”

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