Man and woman seriously injured after serious accident, duo was launched

Two people on a motorcycle were seriously injured on Friday night in an accident on the Turnhoutsebaan in Goirle, near restaurant De Roovertscheleij. The man and woman were driving from Belgium at high speed to the roundabout of the Turnhoutsebaan with the Gorps Baantje, when things went horribly wrong at a bend in the road.

It appears that the driver of the motorcycle overlooked the kink. The victims landed on a sand hill and the man and woman were launched. The motorcycle and the victims ended up dozens of meters away. The victims ended up in the water.

Emergency services responded en masse
People who saw the accident immediately jumped into the water to get the victims to shore. Emergency services responded en masse. In addition to the police, the fire brigade and four ambulances, two trauma helicopters also arrived at the scene of the accident. The two victims were urgently taken to a hospital under the supervision of a trauma doctor.

The police assume that no other traffic was involved in the accident.

Many emergency services came to the Turnhoutsebaan near Goirle after the accident (photo: Toby de Kort/SQ Vision).
Many emergency services came to the Turnhoutsebaan near Goirle after the accident (photo: Toby de Kort/SQ Vision).

The victims landed on a sand hill, were launched and ended up in the water (photo: Toby de Kort/SQ Vision).
The victims landed on a sand hill, were launched and ended up in the water (photo: Toby de Kort/SQ Vision).
