Man (36) racially insulted and hit with a beer bottle

A police vehicle (symbol photo)

A police vehicle (symbol photo) Photo: picture alliance / photo booth

From the BZ editorial team

A 36-year-old was first racially insulted by a 26-year-old in Berlin-Bohnsdorf, then hit with a beer bottle. The suspect then took out a baseball bat.

At 6.30 p.m. there was a dispute in a parking lot on Alexander-Meißner-Strasse. A 36-year-old man was racially insulted by a man (26).

And the argument escalated. The suspect is said to have hit his victim on the head with a beer bottle, breaking it. He then continued to hit his victim with the broken beer bottle, who suffered a severely bleeding laceration on the head.

The perpetrator then left the crime scene. Witnesses provided first aid. Shortly thereafter, the thug returned – with a baseball bat. The 26-year-old threatened his victim again.

But in the meantime the police were on site and arrested the drunk suspect. A telescopic baton was found when his pocket was searched.

After determining his data and taking a blood sample, the 26-year-old was allowed to walk again.


Berlin police Bohnsdorf racism
