Man (36) punished for groping 12-year-old girl in forest Emmen

A 36-year-old man from Valthermond has been sentenced to eight months in prison, seven months of which are suspended, for groping a 12-year-old girl in the woods in Emmen.

The man said he did this because he felt lonely and depressed. His relationship ended in early 2021 and he did not know what to do with himself. He went looking for a new girlfriend and met this girl. They had a lot of contact via WhatsApp. Finally it came to an appointment in the forest. They had talked on a rug, the man told the judge two weeks ago.

The girl later told her mother what had happened. The judge finds fornication proven. Child pornography was also found on the man. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) demanded eight months in prison, half of which were conditional. The judge thinks the man should be treated.

He must pay the victim a compensation of 4000 euros.
