Man (26) had smoked joints and forgot to brake when he killed his wife

The 26-year-old man from Vinkel who killed a 58-year-old woman from Berghem in Rosmalen with his car in 2021, did not press his brake pedal. He had been smoking joints and was driving 11 miles per hour faster than he should. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) stated this on Wednesday based on new evidence.

On November 4, 2021, the woman was killed in a collision between two cars on the Vliertwijksestraat in Rosmalen. The suspect turned out to have an excessively high concentration of THC (the active substance in hashish and weed) in his blood. In addition, he drove 98 kilometers per hour where he was allowed 80.

The verdict was postponed in July last year because the court in Den Bosch found that there was insufficient evidence. New research has now established that the man had not braked 0.2 seconds before the collision. He says himself that he didn’t have time for that.

Under the influence
The suspect believes that he is not at fault because he drove on a priority road. He states that he had smoked one or two joints the night before the accident. He himself thinks that this had no effect on his driving skills.

The research shows that the amount of THC found cannot be from the previous evening. The public prosecutor therefore maintains her demand of eight months in prison. She also demanded a four-month probation, which he must serve if he commits another offense. He would also have to pay 15,000 euros in compensation to the woman’s daughter.

daughter with PTSD
She contracted post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after seeing her mother in the morgue. During an earlier session she used her right to speak: “I am so angry that you did not comply with the traffic rules. My mother was my greatest example. I hope you can sit for thirty years, because my mother still owed it,” said them at the time.

Emotions also ran high in court on Wednesday. The suspect and his family were present. Many family members of the victim were also in the room. A ruling in the case will follow on April 12.


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