Man (23) shot dead in Oss in his own neighborhood: ‘This is a mafia neighborhood’

The 23-year-old man who was shot dead in broad daylight on Thursday at the Leeuwerikhof in Oss is from the neighbourhood. That’s what several local residents say. It was busy behind the police tapes earlier on Thursday evening. The violently emotional parents of the victim are also present at the place where their son died on Thursday afternoon.

Many local residents stand from a distance to watch, while the police investigate the spot where the man was shot. That place is the Leeuwerikhof, a street between a neighborhood building and a porch flat.

The victim is from the neighborhood, local residents say. He was on a scooter when he was shot at. That scooter is still on the street.

“This is a mafia neighborhood,” says one of the local residents. Although according to him there is a fair amount of crime, he is very shocked by the deadly shooting. Another neighbor knows the victim. “He was a very sweet boy”, is all he wants to say.

Much is still unclear about the shooting. The police are still looking for the perpetrator(s). A police helicopter is also being sought.
