Mama Alina gone! The lonely birthday of refugee boy Vlad

You should celebrate your 14th birthday in a special way. With his school friends, fast food until you get sick, or a LAN party. With stupid jokes, movies, maybe the first kiss. But for Vlad, Monday will be an infinitely sad day of honor. First escaped from the war hell Ukraine and now his mother has suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Mum where are you?

Day 6 with no sign of life by Alina Asieieva. The 37-year-old mother has been missing from the Ukraine since Easter Monday, she wanted to take the S-Bahn from Petershagen in Brandenburg (Märkisch-Oderland) to Berlin’s Alexanderplatz in Mitte. Whether she ever got there is uncertain. According to the Berlin police, she is still missing.

Alina fled from Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine with her sons Vlad (13) and Nikita (16) a month ago and stayed with a married couple while her husband defended their homeland during the war.

Alina (37) has been missing since Easter Monday. Her family is very concerned (Photo: Private)

After Alina’s sudden disappearance, an acquaintance from the town is now helping the desperate host family with a major search on social networks. “We have not yet received any information on her whereabouts. According to the big report in the BZ, someone should have contacted her if she had been seen. We fear the worst.”

Desperate queries to hospitals and emergency services were also unsuccessful. “Alina was neither overwhelmed with the situation nor suicidal. She always took care of her sons.”

An acquaintance of the family is looking for Alina via a Facebook group.  So far without success (Photo: private)
An acquaintance of the family is looking for Alina via a Facebook group. So far without success (Photo: private)

Also read: Disappeared without a trace! Alina, where are you?

Vlad has long forgotten his birthday wishes. Concern for his mother leaves little room for other thoughts. Sometimes he and his brother manage to distract themselves with homework. “We collaborate online with our old school in Kharkiv,” says Vlad.

Who saw Alina Asieieva? Who knows where she is? Every police station accepts tips.
