Malfunction of the lock gates at Grave: 21 ships have been waiting for hours

The Maas Bridge near Grave has been closed to all shipping traffic since Monday afternoon. A total of 21 ships are waiting at the lock gates on both sides of the bridge. A malfunction has occurred in the system that measures the extent to which these doors can be opened or closed, Rijkswaterstaat reports.

The problems at the John S. Thompson Bridge have no consequences for the weir, nor is the water level affected.

A technician is busy solving the problem. Rijkswaterstaat has no idea yet how long the blockage will last.

More than a year ago there were also problems at the lock. Due to a repair to that lock, a broken sensor and a non-functioning control mechanism, more than thirty ships had to wait more than 24 hours. According to a spokesperson for Koninklijke Binnenvaart Nederland, this meant significant damage for the inland skippers involved.


Lock in Grave open again for shipping traffic
