Male birth control pills only when needed, the study

LThe real question isn’t when the male birth control pill will arrive, but rather how many men would be willing to take it. Because, if it is true that science is making giant strides, far fewer make culture and stereotypes of it.

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Is the birth control pill coming for him?

What is now defined “the pill” does not exist yet and studies on male contraceptives are proceeding rather slowly due to of the very high safety parameters required by the Medicines Agency to be approved which also provide for the total absence of side effects.

In spite of this, however, an interesting announcement comes from Cornell University: Jochen Buck and Lonny Levin, professors of pharmacology, have identified a new drug capable of blocking the movement of sperm for a few hours.

An important turning point

A discovery the authors believe could be a game changer for contraception. In practice it is about a male fertility inhibitor, but timed which in 24 hours makes it return to the previous levels.

The enzyme that the two professors focused on, is adenylate cyclase. Studying him for other research, they realized by chance that he was able to block the fertility of mice. Investigating the data that emerged, Buck and Levin found confirmation that male infertility may depend on a congenital inhibition of the protein of adenylate cyclase.

Spermatozoa blocked in time

The interesting thing, however, had been to first discover that the sperm from the mice was immobilized for up to about three hoursafter which the spermatozoa began to regain motility and within 24 hours they had all recovered normal movement. Furthermore, the inhibitor worked within half an hour of administration.

Birth control pill to be taken only when needed

Two key elements why it would mean that men they could only take the pill when neededa change that could also affect a certain male refusal to use contraception other than a condom.

The team of scientists is already working on making it inhibitors suitable for use in humans And then initiate a preclinical study which will lay the foundations for the creation of the new drug. The process will certainly not be quick, but if it really worked, the turning point would be truly epochal.

