Malaika Mihambo wins in Weinheim, Athletics | Long Jump – SWR – Regional

The 28-year-old won the long jump in Weinheim on Saturday with a jump of 6.66 meters. “Of course it’s important for the head that I’m in such good shape so early in the season. I showed that in Birmingham, I can build on that,” said Mihambo. In Birmingham she had won with 7.09 meters. As with the victory in Dessau during the week, a significantly smaller distance was enough to win in Weinheim.

“For the external conditions, it was okay, the sun only showed up briefly in the first round. Of course, the fact that it rained a bit wasn’t exactly conducive,” said Mihambo. “In addition, this was the third competition in a week – you can tell.” Mihambo won ahead of Maryse Luzolo (Königstein/6.54 meters) and Merle Homeier (Göttingen/6.38). The World Championships from July 15th to 24th in Eugene and the home European Championships from August 15th to 21st in Munich are the two top events this year in quick succession.

Source: SWR
