Makwan Amirkhan was knocked out in a serious accident

Lerone Murphy has faced big setbacks in her life.

Lerone Murphy knocked out Makwan on Amirkhan’s knee in October. Getty images

Freestyle wrestler Lerone Murphy was involved in a serious accident. An English athlete told about it on social media.

In his professional career, the invincible Manchesterist was cycling when a car hit him at a rapid pace.

Murphy said he had a bad wound on his head and lost a lot of blood. According to the contestant, the ambulance took three quarters to arrive.

– I can’t seem to avoid misfortune. Again, I went near death, Murphy wrote.

Murphy in his thirties was lying in a hospital bed in a picture he posted.

– I still live and probably for some bigger purpose, the accompanying text of the picture continued.

Murphy was in a creepy situation again in 2013. He was 21 years old at the time. Murphy was in the barber shop and left the shop, and as he stepped out he was hit by a bullet that pierced his cheek. It’s a wonder Murphy survived the shooting incident.

Murphy, who took 11 wins in his career, played in the UFC Octagon last October. He won Finland Makwan Amirkhanin knockout at the beginning of the second installment.

If you don’t see the Instagram update below, you can check it out from here.
