Maksim (25) stabbed to death in the Hazeldonk parking lot, police are looking for a bald man

The police are looking for a bald man around the age of sixty who may have more information about the stabbed to death Maksim Hyrn from Belarus. He was stabbed to death on Sunday evening, October 21, in the Hazeldonk parking lot in Breda, near the Belgian border.

25-year-old Maksim Hryn was a truck driver, he worked for the Lithuanian transport company Finejas. That day he had a load from Southern Europe in his trailer. This cargo had to go to the center of the country.

The driver from Belarus arrived at the eastern side of the parking lot just after half past seven in the morning. Nearly twelve hours later he was stabbed. A fellow trucker found him seriously injured in the parking lot around half past seven. Emergency services were called, but help came too late. He died on the spot.

Witness with striking black outerwear
What happened in the meantime that day is still unclear. Maksim probably wanted to spend the night in his truck in the parking lot.

The police have already spoken to two hundred truck drivers and other witnesses on location. Following the investigation so far, police are looking for a specific man who may know more about what happened.

It concerns a bald man with a light skin color, about sixty years old. He wore striking black outerwear with white areas on the arms and white lettering on the chest. The man may also be of Eastern European or Baltic descent.

Criminal gangs or fighting?
The police are also looking for other witnesses who have not yet told their story and who saw Maksim in the parking lot during those twelve hours. “Even if you think there was nothing disturbing going on, we would still like to speak to you,” the police said.

It is also unclear to the police what the reason was that the man was stabbed to death. “We know that truck drivers are regularly targeted by criminal gangs. It could also be a robbery or a personal quarrel, all options are open,” the police said.

To reach even more people, the police shared an appeal on social media in Russian. The police hope that truck drivers will share the call so that they can get in touch with acquaintances of Maksim.

Earlier we spoke with Yunus Emre, he caught the man who found Maksim seriously injured in the parking lot.
