Making the transition from sheltered work to other work (and back) easier | News item

News item | 25-07-2022 | 10:40

Anyone who now has a job in a sheltered workplace, but wants and is able to make the switch to a job with less support, will soon be able to do so effortlessly. On 25 July 2022, Minister Schouten announced that he would simplify the transition by releasing and amending the Decree on the Advice Sheltered Work Decree for a so-called internet consultation.

People with an occupational disability sometimes need a lot of guidance or an adaptation of the workplace. Sheltered work is available to them. Moving on to a job within the Job Agreement is now only possible after a substantive assessment by the UWV. This will expire on 1 July 2023. Minister Carola Schouten for Participation is canceling the assessment and making it easier for those who are willing and able to switch immediately.

When someone makes the step from sheltered work to a job within the Job Agreement or even an unsupervised job but this does not fit, it is just as easy to step back to sheltered work. Even then the substantive assessment disappears. The most important thing, says Minister Schouten in her amendment decree, is that people experience as few barriers as possible. This is not only very welcome for people with an occupational disability. Easier switching also relieves the workload for implementation.

Join the conversation via internet consultation

If you still want to talk about this upcoming change, you can do so via the internet consultation Decree for advice on sheltered work in connection with being able to change jobs while retaining the advice for sheltered work. This is possible from July 25, 2022 to September 5, 2022.

At the same time, a formal implementation test will take place at the VNG, Inspectorate SZW, ATR, AP, UWV and LCR. Minister Schouten will share the results of both when announcing the ‘Amendment Decree Advice Sheltered Work’. This Amendment Decree will come into effect in July 2023.
