Make your own easy french fries from a stick

Mari Moilanen assures that Paikula French are the best French in the world.

If you make French fries with potato wedges, all you have to do is chop the potato and deep-fry it. Mari Moilanen

Food journalist and blogger Mari Moilanen has made french fries at home with many different instructions. Until he accidentally tried wooden potatoes.

– Why hasn’t anyone realized this before?

Puikula is a slim, floury potato variety that ripens in no time.

– You know it if you’ve cooked peeled sticks without a steam boiler or with too much heat. The bottom is full of mush and the potatoes fall apart in your hands. I got this idea one weekend. There was a bag of wooden balls in the cupboard and I decided to deep fry them. And it worked wonderfully, says Moilanen Something tasty in his blog.

Making homemade french fries couldn’t be easier than this. The potatoes quickly get a wonderful golden surface and the inside is soft, floury potato that melts in your mouth.

This is how french fries are made:

Moilanen advises Something tasty in his blog, how do you succeed in making french fries.

Reserve plenty of wooden balls (about 1 kg for four).

You need a liter of cooking oil and finger salt. A cast iron pan is convenient for deep-frying, but a deep wok-type pan also works great.

The sticks are often small, so it is enough if you split them and fry them. Larger pots can be cut into four blocks. Then heat the oil in a cast iron pan or deep wok until it gets hot.

Well washed and even better dried sticks are placed in oil. A slotted bucket is a good tool, this way the oil does not spill. Also pay attention to the careful drying of the pots, because not even a drop of water should get into the oil or the hot oil will splash carelessly.

Puikula is a very floury potato variety. Eeva Paljakka

You can put the skewers in plenty of oil at once to cook them. A kilo can be deep-fried in a couple of batches.

When the surface of the potatoes is golden brown, lift the potatoes with a slotted spoon onto paper towels and drain the excess oil. Sprinkle salt on top and enjoy. Perfect.

French fries on a stick

1 kg of baby potatoes

1 l rapeseed oil

finger salt

1. Wash the potatoes and cut them into thick strips. Pat the potato slices dry with paper towels.

2. Heat the oil to 180 degrees. Deep fry the French fries in a couple of three batches. Cook for about 4 minutes until the potatoes are colored and soft on the inside.

3. Use a slotted spoon to lift the French fries onto a paper towel to drain and season with finger salt. Serve with fry mayonnaise.

Fry mayonnaise

2 dl ready-made mayonnaise

2 tbsp ketchup

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

1 teaspoon of sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 tsp smoked paprika

1/2 teaspoon sriracha

1. Mix all the ingredients together.

Fry sauce replaces ketchup

This sauce is tasty and spicy, a mayonnaise-based, well-seasoned gravy that has been enjoyed in Yankees since the 40s with French.

When you make this and these wooden french fries, you don’t need anything else. Fry sauce has plenty of flavor.

The story was originally published on March 20, 2021.

Want to peel potatoes? Use this trick! ELLE LAWN
