‘Make white babies’ at power plant: Vattenfall reports far-right projection | Interior

Energy company Vattenfall reports the projection of extreme right-wing texts last Tuesday at the Hemweg power station in Amsterdam’s Westelijk Havengebied.

These include the lyrics ‘Love And Make White Babies’ and ‘RIP Dresden’, a police spokesperson confirms. The texts were shown for a few minutes at the Hemweg power station, but the projection can also be seen on a video that is circulating on Telegram.

‘RIP Dresden’ refers to the bombing of Dresden in the night of 13 to 14 February 1945 by the Allies, in which tens of thousands of Germans died. In extreme right-wing circles, the bombing is seen as a war crime.

Vattenfall said earlier that it would ’emphatically distance itself from this disgraceful message that is linked online to our (decommissioned) power plant’. “We have informed the police about this, will file a report and will check extra ourselves that this does not happen again.” In the video, the projection ‘appears to have been done from the highway, so from a place outside our premises’, says Vattenfall.

Anne Frank House

The extreme right-wing projection on the Hemweg power station is the second in Amsterdam in a short time. Last Friday, ‘Anne Frank inventor of the ballpoint pen’ was projected onto the Anne Frank House with a laser. This suggests without any conclusive evidence that Anne Frank did not write her diary herself. Mayor Femke Halsema called that projection ‘pure anti-Semitism’. The Anne Frank House has also filed a report.

Previously, an extreme right-wing group projected texts on the Erasmus Bridge in Rotterdam. At the time, it included ‘White Lives Matter’ and ‘Vrolijk Blank 2023’.
