Make-up and perfume are in greater demand again

Sales in the cosmetics industry in Germany are picking up again after a significant slump during the corona pandemic. “In the first quarter we are up 36 percent on the previous year,” said the managing director of the industry association VKE, Martin Ruppmann, of the German Press Agency. “Compared to 2019, however, this is still a minus of 10 percent.” There is a clear plus, especially in the case of make-up and perfume.

Ruppmann explains the trend by saying that less and less people are working from home, going to restaurants is possible again and there are significantly more events again. “You go out again.” That was already evident in the first quarter, even before the corona measures were relaxed on a large scale.

According to the industry association, lipstick sales are also increasing significantly. It had declined during the pandemic, unlike that of eyeliner and mascara, because made-up lips are not compatible with FFP2 masks. (dpa)
