Make beautiful dreams. Ten years after Gramellini: the review by Aldo Cazzullo

Aldo Cazzullo (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

M.i remember like it was yesterday evening ten years ago when i read in drafts Make beautiful dreams. I was in Turin for work, I went to dinner at the Mazzini brewery.

I was alone but I had the book of my fraternal friend Massimo to keep me company. At one point I felt a hand tapping on my shoulder.

The Mazzini brewery closes very late, but at a certain point, after putting the chairs on the table and lowering the shutter, the waiter had rightly decided to inform me as directly as possible that it was night and I had to leave.

Fortunately, I was almost at the end. I finished reading the proofs as I walked. No divination skills were needed to inform the readers of this page that Make beautiful dreams it would have been the best-seller of the year.

I didn’t realize it was going to be the best-seller of the decade, to the point of returning to bookstores now – again thanks to Longanesi – enriched by two new chapters.

“Have good dreams – Ten years later” by Massimo Gramellini (Longanesi).

I didn’t realize it was going to be the best-seller of the decade, to the point of returning to bookstores now – again thanks to Longanesi – enriched by two new chapters.

Gramellini has a great many readers, and he has an intense correspondence with many of them. Some messages are cited precisely in the new edition: they are moving, at times heartbreaking.

«I no longer find any meaning in my life, but how can I leave the creature I gave into the world, how can I give her a pain with which she will have to live every day and forever?».

“More than once I have expressed my intention to let myself go into the void. Do you know what held me back? The image of you as a child wandering around the house looking for your mother. I said to myself: I cannot do this to my children whom I love more than myself “.

Then there are also the reactions of the “rosiconi”, the bad criticisms, which as always strike the recipient more than praise. The consideration of a friend of the author is valid: «The feelings of a million readers have melted and the brains of a hundred envious people have stiffened. Would you have preferred the opposite? ».

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